RCE on Flanders Open Rugby 2024

9th June 2024

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Rugby Club Esch

Past month of May 2024, Rugby Club Esch - Les Furets made their debut on the international stage with their first tournament and series of games.  

In just over a year, the club assembled 16 dedicated players and took part in the world's largest 10s rugby tournament, the FLANDERS OPEN RUGBY   

Though the game results weren't in our favor, we gained so much more:
- A family
- A united group
- Rugby Experience
- Lifelong memories
- Unwavering spirit
- New friendships
- Unforgettable experiences

To all the Ferrets that could not come or got injured, your time will come. Not forgotten

This is just the beginning of our journey, and we are stronger together.
Thank you all for the support

